What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Put simply, orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) is “physical therapy” for the face and mouth. It is used to restore proper function of the facial muscles and the tongue. OMT involves exercises that strengthens and tones the tongue and orofacial muscles by teaching individuals how to engage the muscles in the appropriate positions.
OMT uses highly effective physical therapy exercises to improve breathing, bite, and orofacial posture.

Who can benefit from Myofunctional Therapy?
Myofunctional therapy may benefit people who experience one or more of these symptoms:
- Headaches
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain.
- Neck pain
- Sleep Apnea
- Snoring
- Grinding/clenching Teeth
- Tongue-tie
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn
- People with past thumb sucking/pacifier habits
- Tongue-thrust habits
Myofunctional Therapy is not just for kids
Young children and adolescents respond greatly to OMT, but adults can reap the rewards as well. Myofunctional therapy is non-invasive and can be instrumental in re-training the muscles of the face and tongue that have been in dysfunction for years and even decades. Relief from headaches and even decreased use of CPAP machines is possible.

Does my child need myofunctional therapy?
Your child may benefit from OMT if you answer yes to any of these questions:
- Does your child breathe through their mouth?
- Can you see your child’s tongue push forward while swallowing?
- Is your child a messy eater?
- Do you see your child’s tongue stick out between the front teeth at rest?
- Are their lips apart and jaw hinged open while watching T.V. or reading a book?
- Does your child’s tongue seem ‘tied’ to the floor of the mouth?
- Does your child snore at night? Sound congested?
- Does your child have a forward head posture with rounded shoulders or slouching?
- Does your child have difficulty pronouncing specific sounds despite having speech therapy for years?
- Is your child always putting things in their mouth such as fingers, pens, clothing, etc.?
- Does your child suck their thumb/pacifier? Or have a past habit?
- Does your child wet the bed during sleep or wake up sweaty?
Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy
- Increased energy and alertness
- Restoring normal function of the tongue and facial muscles
- Reduction of clenching and grinding teeth
- Reduced jaw pain and headaches
- Decreased sleep apnea and snoring
- Correct tongue posture
- Prevention of orthodontic relapse
- Increasing the tone and mobility of oral structures
- Establishing symmetry to the face and muscles
*The information on this website is in no way considered to be medical advice and is in no way intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease, symptom, or condition. Medical advice should be obtained from an appropriately qualified and licensed medical professional. Please consult with your doctor for any change in lifestyle.